Muratti 05/23/07 - Hamster paradise


Hamster is solitary animal [1], many cases of fighting and injury have been observed in the lab when two hamsters were put together, regardless of the fact that they are sisters and live in the same cage for a long time.
Hence, “hamster paradise” is expected to contain of 5 separate cages which link to the Metazoa Ludens structure. Each cage contains one food container, one sand container, one running wheel, one long tunnel linking to the structure and one additional round tunnel. In order to save place, the additional round tunnel can be omitted, the running wheel gives the hamster enough exercise every day. Because hamster can store food in the cage, under the wooden bedding, the food container can also be ignored.
The illustration is as following:

Figure 1: Hamster paradise with 5 cages linked to the structure.

Figure 2: Detailed structure of each cage containing one food container, one sand container, one running wheel, one long tunnel linking to the structure and one additional round tunnel.




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