Dear all,

Welcome to the Metazoa Ludens wikidot page.

For more info on Metazoa Ludens, please visit our main page at:

A quickstart way to do add a page is simply log in and put your name and the date of your report submission (in this convention Name: Date, e.g. Roger: 12th May 2007) into the text box beside the "new page" button at the bottom left of the page. Next hit the "new page" button.

It will open up another window where you can insert your report in. You may even add in pictures and videos. When you are done saving the page, click on the tag button at the bottom of the page. Add your page to the tag of your name by typing in your name to the tag text box input. This will then link your report to your name tag. You may then view your reports by hitting on your name tag at the navigation panel on the left of the screen (after you created it for the 1st time).

Thank you!


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